We are celebrating 40 years of impact!

For the past 40 years, The Hunger Project New Zealand has been facilitating partnerships between investors and community partners across our programme countries. Genuine impact and freedom from severe hunger and poverty have been achieved.

In order to achieve a world without hunger we need you to join us in making sure that every woman, man and child has access to proper nutrition and opportunity to create a life of self-reliance. 

Join Our Celebration!

Celebrating Our Collective Impact.

The Hunger Project has achieved some incredible and measurable results since 2008 when we began our Monitoring and Evaluation team and were able to capture and quanitfy the impact of our programmes and interventions -  and our investors have played a significant role in this global success. 

Since 2009 when financial reports were required by the Charities Commission, The Hunger Project New Zealand has raised $2 million to go toward funding the programmes and projects that create the sustainable solutions to hunger and poverty. Over the past 10 years investors in New Zealand have directly funded two communities in Bangladesh to avhieve the SDGs in their villages, funded 5 Epicenters in Malawi and Ghana to self reliance and were a primary supporter of the Adolescent Girl's Programme in Bihar India. This is a track record of impact that cannot be denied. 

Join our group of investors today!

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could pay the salary of a health nurse so women in Ghana can receive regular health check ups throughout pregnancy.
could power the equipment needed to dig a bore hole to supply a community in Malawi with fresh water.
could train a woman in Bangladesh to be an advocate for women's rights equipped to create women's self-employment groups where they will learn skills to generate income.

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