The Hunger Project’s strategies to end hunger vary depending on the need of the area. In rural Africa there is very little infrastructure. That means limited access to hospitals, schools or running water. For this reason, The Hunger Project created the Epicentre Strategy. The Epicentre Strategy which was created in Africa, by Africans.
An Epicentre is a cluster of 10 to 15 villages within a 10km radius, with a population of 5,000 – 20,000 people. At the centre of the villages is a building that is built to house the community’s programs for health, education, food security, water, and microfinance and income generation. The Epicentre building serves as a focal point where the motivation, energies and leadership of the people converge with the resources of local government and non-governmental organisations.

Integrated approach.
Created in Africa by Africans to address the multi-faceted causes of hunger & poverty.
Empowering - with dignity and respect.
The Hunger Project believes those living in hunger and poverty are creative, intelligent and motivated and as such are the solution to their own problem.
Transparent and measurable.
Progress is tracked against agreed targets using quantitative and qualitative data.
When an Epicentre community reaches Self-Reliance they no longer need the support of The Hunger Project or the funding of investors.