By giving to The Hunger Project you are joining the global movement to create a world without hunger. You can make a difference!
We use the term "invest" purposefully as we create a partnership between our community of people in New Zealand and our village partners across our programme countries. This is not a donation but rather an investment in the future of people and communities looking to create the opportunities to end hunger.
You can give via credit card (with an option to cover credit card fees if you wish to do so) or bank transfer (which avoids credit card fees).
All donations of $5 or more are eligible for tax credits.

Where does the money go?
Your investment goes where it is needed most. It will be used collectively to fund the full range of The Hunger Project's integrated programmes. This means we can support these projects, and also gives us the flexibility to respond to the immediate needs of communities and related projects as they arise. Because this allows us to most effectively manage our resources, your investment will have the greatest possible impact. And because you are supporting our global work to empower our partners around the world to end hunger in their communities, your investment is tax deductible.